
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sorry from a recluse

Life are fated. I try my hardest to make myself believe in destiny. And plans are such annoying thing when it didn't goes well like what we have planned. My mother said these earlier today when she called me for something that I don't really love to listen about. Since the matter was kinda important, so I listened even when it don't really please me.

That's why maybe she's the most flexible and adorable person whenever problems arise. I know, she managed to get over the problems. I believe in her. Gonna put my trust in her anyway. And maybe why Allah fated her to be a mother for 5 stubborn and high-tempered but cute and smart children. I just love you Mom. Your patience are fantastic. You got the title. 

Back to life are fated. Life are fated and destiny really exist. I always yell and be ungrateful about what I have now. I maybe thin but I'm getting my way to the normal body mass index. I maybe short but I can play DotA. I am girl but I don't drive because I'm afraid of the big truck overtaking me. What's that?? But I really blind when I couldn't see that, people are being kind to me. I am the most fortunate people in the world. I have everything including I'm not the lamest person that would say, I'm not perfect. Oh~ I just hate that words. Really annoyed me in so may ways. HAHA.

What's with all of these? I just miss you, my boyfriend. T___T

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